vinculum or Bar Number
A vinculum, pronounced winkulum, is a line placed across the top of a digit or group of digits to indicate that they are negative
for example
3 means minus -3
The number 19 is very close to 20.
And it can therefore be conveniently written in a different way: as 21( two bar one) means 20 – 1, the minus is put on top of the 1.
Similarly 31 means 30 – 1 or 29.
And 4 2 means 38.
This is like telling the time when we say 'ten to seven' or instead of 6:50.
We pronounce 4 2 as "four, bar two" because the 2 has a bar on top.
_ _ _ _
7 2 = 68,
861 = 859, because 61 = 59 (the 8 is unchanged),
127 2 = 1268, because 7 2 = 68,
6 3 0 = 570, because we have 600 – 30 (or because 63 = 57).
Example : convert the unit digit 37 into bar number
subtract 7 from 10 to give 3,(the 10-compliment) and increase the tens digit by 1
convert each unit digit into vinculum number
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