Lowest Common Multiple- LCM
Lowest Common Multiple- LCM of two or more number is the lowest number into which those numbers can divide.
The key to understanding and remembering HCF and LCM is to pay carefully attention to the words highest common factor and lowest common multiple
For example 1 : find the LCM and HCF of the 10 and 15
5 |10 15
| 2 3 The highest common factor of 10 and 15 is the 5 ; because 5 can divide those numbers exactly
HCF= 5
for LCM we use cross multiplication 10×3=30 and 15×2=30
For example 2 : find the LCM and HCF of the 72 and 84
2 | 72 84
2 | 36 42
3 | 18 21
| 6 7
HCF= 2×2×3=12
LCM=72×7=504 or 84×6 =504
Practice : find LCM and HCF of the following number
Practice : find LCM and HCF of the following number
- 32 , 24
- 30 , 75
- 12, 11
- 36,48
- 49, 70
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