simple Percentage can be found By Inspection and proportionately.
Finding Percentage of quantity
Example : 1%
1% of 600 = 6.00 means 6
1% of 530 = 5.30
1% of 6732= 67.32
when you calculate 1% of any number then place a decimal point two number before from right side ( 6732 here before 32 and after 7 67.32)
Example : 10%
10% of 600 = 60.0 means 60
10% of 530 = 53.0 means 53
10% of 6732= 673.2
when you calculate 10% of any number then place a decimal point one number after from right side ( 6732 here after 3 and before 2 673.2)
Example : 5%
5% of 600 = 60.0 means 60/2 =30
5% of 530 = 53.0 means 53/2= 26.5
5% of 6732= 673.2/2= 336.6
when you calculate 5% of any number then place a decimal point one number after from right side ( 6732 here after 3 and before 2 673.2 and half the number or divide by 2)
Example : 50%
50% of 600 = 600/2=300
50% of 530 = 530/2 = 265
50% of 6732= 6732/2= 3366
when you calculate 50% of any number then just half the quantity or divide by 0 ( 6732 /2= 3366)
50% of any quantity plus quantity percent of 50 are the same quantity value
Example 1: 50% 0f 30 plus 30% of 50 = ??
50% 30=15
30%50= 15
so no need to calculate write down the quantity number
Example : 50% 0f 2.36 plus 2.36% of 50 = ??
Answer is 2.36
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